Snow Full Moon Holistic Workshop: Expression and Reflexion on Sunday 5th of February at 12 pm

Snow Full Moon Holistic Workshop: Expression and Reflexion on Sunday 5th of February at 12 pm

Snow Full Moon Holistic Workshop: Expression and Reflexion on Sunday 5th of February at 12 pm
re-emerge workshop


Snow Full Moon Holistic Workshop: Expression and Reflexion, on Sunday February 5th at 12 pm

On February 5th, we have the Snow Ful Moon in Leo. This moon is the year's second full moon. The Leo-Aquarius polarity deals with balancing the personal (Leo) and all that is impersonal (Aquarius).

It is the moment of the culmination and the promise of fulfilment of that which started at the new moon on January 21st; it's an emotional time of romance, relationships and creation. But this moon asks us to find a balance between romance-friendship and personal and impersonal expression.

The Full moon illuminates the conflict between the Leo moon, independence, and the value of autonomy and the team by the Aquarius moon.

This full moon reveals true desires: It is time to express ourselves and get things out of our systems. But it is also time for reflection and recharge the female energy.

Have you ever had this dream where you shout as hard as possible, and no sound comes from your lips? And you desperately try to scream, but it doesn't matter how hard you try to scream, no sounds come from you. Your voice is mute. Have you ever experience not being fast responding to somebody back and regretting keeping quiet? Or have you ever experienced regretting not speaking out when you should have done so? Saying to somebody you love them or standing up for yourself or others.

Sometimes we find it difficult to express ourselves and say what we think about something. There are many reasons for that; we might feel our ideas are not welcomed, we will say something wrong, or simply what we think is not exciting or essential for others.

Those are clear signs of a blocked Vishuddha (the throat chakra). This chakra is responsible for self-expression, communication and the ability to speak your truth.

An imbalance in this chakra might manifest with bursts of emotion or, on the contrary, periods of complete quietness. Emotionally, it can also manifest in those who have this chakra blocked, being very critical of others and themselves.

This workshop will focus on opening our throat chakra and canalizing our energy to find that space of truthful communication and creativity.

This moment is the perfect time to speak out and put our thoughts, ideas and plans into action. It is the time to get things moving, those things we have been thinking about for a while, working on them, perfecting them: Our plans for starting new businesses or changing something in our lives to make our lives fuller and better.

This Snow Full Moon Holistic Workshop: Expression and Reflexion aim to offer a safe, neutral and judgement-free zone where individuals can freely express themselves in a loving, understanding and accepting environment. We will create a safe space of love, care, and self-expression, where we will be one with everyone while keeping our individuality.

During this workshop, we will find a space where we will chant and free move following our true higher self, letting it manifest and embrace it.

The timetable proposed for the workshop is as follows:

12.00-13.00: Full Moon Flow Yoga

10 minutes break (if we divide the participants because they are a large number, participants will be divided into Group A and Group B)

Group B goes for lunch

13.10-14.10: Aerial Yoga for group A

5 minutes break

Group A goes for lunch

14.15-15.15: Aerial Yoga for group B

5 minutes break

15.20-16.20: Restorative Full Moon Yoga and Vishuddha meditation

*If the participants don't get divided into groups, we won't have a break for lunch, and we will finish at 15.15 h.

Vegan Curious (formerly knowns as My Vegan Yummy Muffins) will provide vegan Italian and Spanish tapas appetizers during the workshop.

The proposed menu is (subject to modifications):

-Patatas bravas

-Gnocchi in basil and tomato sauce (gluten free)

-Mini pizzas (gluten free)

-Vegan olivier salad

-Garlic with mushroom tapas


-Vegan banana and chocolate cake

-Raw vegan ginger energy balls.

We will provide drinks: tea and water.

There is a space at the studio with sofas, tables and seats for you to stay in while you have your lunch break.

Early Bird tickets are on sale now on the website.

If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]

*Payapal fees are not refundable

re-emerge workshop

Areas Covered

Hackney and Surrey Quays

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